Why Rajasthan B.Ed. College

Employers look for many other qualities besides academic achievement. Rajasthan B.Ed. College students acquire a range of skills and experiences whilst at Rajasthan B.Ed. College to compete most effectively. Exposure to teamwork, problem solving, and leadership and communication skills are provided by encouraging the students to take up responsible positions.
Rajasthan B.Ed. College is consciously working towards a regime wherein industry’s aspirations for RBCruiting plug and play kind of employees are met by imparting employability skills to the students.
Rajasthan B.Ed. College students have strong conceptual foundations, capacity to work and exposure to real-life work conditions.
The education system at our College is highly innovative and has incorporated the best practices followed in Higher education.
Curriculum based on an innovative Blended Approach that includes development of programmes with inputs from Industry and Academia, application based pedagogy, continuous assessment and organized feedback from students for further improvisation.
The Flexible Approach of the academic system gives an opportunity to students to elect one or two open or social electives corresponding to the area of interest of the student.
Students are given live projects in the form of business analysis, making new business plans, conducting surveys and encouraging them to take up new entrepreneurial activities.
Exposure to teamwork, problem solving, and leadership and communication skills is provided by encouraging the students to take up responsible position by involving them in hobbies and sports and by specially structured personality development programmes.
The students get total experience of Industry by way of constant seeding of Industry relevant technologies and skills, Industrial visits, Guest lectures etc.
Comprehensive personality development programmes, which are in consonance with the expectation of the employers.
Rajasthan B.Ed. College prepares students for Campus Placement throughout the year by conducting GD’s, Mock interviews, Team work programmes etc.
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